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6 Methods Every Successful Manufacturer Needs to Know
Efficiency is always the name of the game. Every business owner tries to accomplish the same thing—to create a sustainable and reliable stream of income without overextending resources. How does this process begin? For manufacturers, it begins with planning and setting the stage for things to come. Brought to life in Japan during the 1960’s,... Read More
The 10 Types of Employees (And How To Manage Them)
Throughout your professional career, you’ve seen all kinds of organizational strategies. Ornately arranged Post-It’s, hundreds of Chrome tabs, chicken-scratch filled notebooks—you probably have employees that fit into each of these categories. When it comes to management, there’s no singular, correct way to get it done. Everyone manages their workload differently. And now that you’ve migrated... Read More
How to Throw a Virtual Work Holiday Party (That’s Actually Fun)
Boosting and maintaining employee morale is always a top priority for businesses. In 2020, this has been no easy task—to say the least. The sudden, drastic shift of converting living rooms into offices has gone much better than expected. But will the same be true of all of the less professional, camaraderie-building, one-too-many-glasses-of-punch moments that... Read More