Chat/Discussions | Striven


Enhance your team’s communication skills.

project and task management

Seamless Collaboration

From group discussions to direct messaging, threaded conversations, and file sharing, keep your team connected and productive.


  • Group Discussions
  • Direct Messaging
  • Threaded Conversations
  • File Sharing in Chats

Group Discussions

Facilitate team collaboration with group discussions, allowing multiple members to share ideas and information in a centralized space.

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Direct Messaging

Communicate privately with colleagues through direct messaging, ensuring quick and secure exchanges for more focused conversations.

Threaded Conversations

Maintain clarity and context with threaded conversations, allowing you to organize discussions by topic and keep track of responses easily.

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The Striven workspace with dashboard, discussion, time off request, task and crm summaries

File Sharing in Chats

Enhance your conversations with file sharing, enabling team members to quickly exchange documents, images, and other important files directly within the chat.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do Group Discussions benefit team collaboration in Striven?


    Group Discussions provide a centralized space for team members to share ideas and information, enhancing collaboration and ensuring everyone is on the same page.

  • Can I have private conversations with colleagues using Striven?


     Yes, Striven’s Direct Messaging feature allows you to have private, one-on-one conversations with colleagues, ensuring secure and focused communication.

  • What are Threaded Conversations, and why are they useful?


    Threaded Conversations help maintain clarity and context by organizing discussions by topic, making it easy to follow and respond to specific points within a conversation.

  • How does File Sharing in Chats improve team communication?


    File Sharing in Chats allows team members to exchange documents, images, and other files directly within the conversation, streamlining the sharing process and keeping all relevant information in one place.

  • Can I create different groups for various projects or departments in Striven?


    Yes, Striven allows you to create multiple group discussions tailored to specific projects or departments, ensuring targeted and organized communication.

  • How secure is Direct Messaging in Striven?


    Direct Messaging in Striven is highly secure, ensuring that your private conversations remain confidential and protected from unauthorized access.

  • Can I reference past messages easily in Threaded Conversations?


    Absolutely, Threaded Conversations keep all related messages in one place, making it simple to reference past discussions and maintain continuity in communication.

  • What types of files can be shared in Striven’s chat feature?


    You can share a variety of file types in Striven’s chat, including documents, images, and PDFs, enabling efficient and versatile communication within your team.

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