Custom Lists | Striven

Your data, your way

Custom Lists

Filter tasks, projects, customer info, and more
in easy-to-use, customizable lists.

Integrated Data is Smart Data

Striven’s custom lists offer the ability to sort and manage all your data as you see fit, be it CRM data, inventory, tasks, projects, or any other data source.

Customization: Your ERP Superpower

You’ll be able to add all of this data to any custom list:

  • Customer Info
  • Financial Reports
  • Inventory/Stock Levels
  • Task & Project Data
  • Documents & Files
  • Recruiting/HR Materials

Your Data is Better Together

In an all-in-one ERP system, integrating your diverse data streams leads to a unified, powerful insight engine
that fosters smarter decision-making and drives business efficiency.

crm dashboard striven

Customer Info

Understand your customers better by studying their data.

It’s the key to offering personalized services, improving customer retention, and driving profits.

Financial Reports

Regular financial reports, especially when integrated with the rest of your data give you a clear picture of your business’s health.

striven inventory management overview dashboard

Inventory/Stock Levels

Keeping track of your inventory levels in conjunction with your financial and customer data prevents stockouts and overstock situations, optimizing storage costs and meeting customer demand efficiently.

Take & Project Data

Analyzing task and project data provides visibility into productivity, deadlines, and resource allocation, enhancing efficiency and successful project delivery.

Tasks & Team Summary, Striven Efficiency Reporting
striven hub document management

Documents & Files

Properly managing documents and files ensures smooth operations, with crucial information readily accessible, leading to quicker decision-making and reduced operational downtime.

Recruiting & HR Materials

Understanding your recruiting and HR data and how it relates to your current business picture helps attract and retain top talent, creating a robust workforce that drives your business towards its goals.

Striven system screenshot on laptop with enhanced Revenue Goals widget and G2 High Performer 2022 badge

Striven customer review rating 5 stars


“Striven is an incredible, flexible tool with customization options that really exceed the industry standard.”


—Kristen O., Account Manager, Dave’s World


Ready to try it? Start here.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does customization in Striven entail?


    Customization in Striven allows you to tailor the system according to your unique business needs. This may include setting up custom lists, fields, and reports, among other things, to better align with your operational workflows.

  • What are custom lists in Striven, and what can they be used for?


    Custom lists in Striven are a feature that allows you to sort and manage all your data as you see fit. This could apply to any data set, including CRM data, inventory, tasks, projects, or any other data source.

  • How do custom lists improve the functionality of the ERP system?


    Custom lists improve the functionality of the ERP system by offering a way to organize data more efficiently, leading to more streamlined operations and improved decision-making capabilities.

  • Can I create multiple custom lists in Striven?


    Absolutely. Striven allows you to create as many custom lists as you need, providing you with full flexibility to manage your data effectively.

  • Is it complicated to set up custom lists in Striven?


    No, setting up custom lists in Striven is designed to be user-friendly. You’ll find straightforward instructions and intuitive controls to help you create the perfect list for your needs.

  • Can I share my custom lists with other users in my organization?


    Yes, custom lists in Striven can be shared with other users in your organization, promoting collaborative work and ensuring everyone has access to the necessary data.

  • Can I edit or delete my custom lists once they’re created in Striven?


    Yes, Striven gives you the flexibility to edit or delete your custom lists at any time as your business needs evolve.

  • How does customization in Striven help in managing different data types like HR, inventory, and financials?


    Striven’s customization features, including custom lists, provide an organized way to handle different data types. This ensures all your business data, whether HR, inventory, or financial, is easily accessible, clearly structured, and can interact seamlessly.

  • Can I integrate external data sources into my custom lists in Striven?


    Yes, Striven is designed to be flexible and robust, allowing you to integrate data from external sources into your custom lists, ensuring all your business data can be accessed from a single point.

  • Does Striven integrate with other platforms?


    Yes, Striven integrates some of the most commonly used software systems. Check out our full list here.

Striven's Got You Covered

Whatever your business, Striven is here for you, making your workweek just a little easier.