User Management | Striven

User Management

Control access to your data with total confidence. 

audit log feature

Manage users with ease and security.

 From setting user roles to defining permissions, Striven provides a secure and scalable solution for managing your team. Keep data protected, ensure users have the right tools for their roles, and maintain visibility over every action taken within the system.

  • Role-Based Access Control 
  • Permission Customization 
  • User Activity Monitoring  
  • User Grouping

Role-Based Access Control

Assign specific roles to users, ensuring they only access the parts of the system that align with their job responsibilities.

role based access controls striven
striven audit trail financial management

Permission Customization

Fine-tune permissions for individual users or groups to control what actions they can perform within Striven.

User Activity Monitoring

Track user actions and log activity to ensure accountability and security across your platform.

access control feature striven
project summary graphic

User Grouping

Easily group users by departments or teams, making bulk management and permissions setting simpler and more efficient.

Striven customer review rating 5 stars


“Very helpful in organizing tasks and other things in my day to day. Used on a daily basis, would be lost without Striven!”


—William D., Google Review


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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is user management in Striven?


    Striven’s User Management allows administrators to control access to the system by assigning roles and permissions to users, ensuring data security and system efficiency.

  • Can I assign different roles to different users?


    Yes, Striven enables you to assign custom roles based on each user’s responsibilities, giving them access only to the tools and data they need.

  • How do I control user permissions in Striven?


    You can easily customize permissions for users or groups, giving you granular control over what they can view, edit, or manage within the system.

  • Does Striven track user activity?


    Yes, Striven logs user activity so you can monitor actions and maintain accountability within your organization.

  • Can I group users by departments or teams?


    Yes, Striven allows you to create user groups based on teams or departments, making it easier to manage permissions for large groups of users.

  • Is it easy to add or remove users?


    Absolutely. Adding or removing users in Striven is straightforward, ensuring your system is always up to date with current team members.

  • Can I control access for temporary or external users?


    Yes, you can set up temporary users or contractors with specific access limitations, ensuring they only have the permissions they need for the duration of their involvement.

  • How secure is Striven’s user management system?


    Striven’s user management system is built with robust security features, including encryption, activity tracking, and customizable permissions to ensure your data stays safe.

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