Write For Us (Takeoff Blog) - Striven

Write For The Takeoff

The Takeoff welcomes diverse voices on topics related to technology and business. Our authors cover multiple categories from a variety of perspectives. If you’re interested in writing for us, here are some guidelines to follow.

Editorial Guidelines

  • Posts should be approximately 1000-1800 words.
  • Topic pitches should be specific, current, and relevant to The Takeoff’s mission. Take some time to read the content we’ve published to determine whether your topic is a good fit.
  • External links should be high-quality and informative in nature. We require that you obtain permission if reproducing content from any other source and properly attribute informational links.
  • We will include one do-follow link to your website or blog post
  • Your article must be SEO-proofed:
    • Please specify your targeted keyword that you will incorporate throughout your copy
    • Send us your meta description and SEO title with the draft
    • Include title and subtitle tags (H2, H3, H4, …)
  • Please edit posts for style and grammar. We will not publish content that requires significant editorial changes.
  • We do not publish press releases, articles about press releases, or company-specific news.
  • If your article has an accompanying infographic or other multimedia content, please include that in your draft.
  • Please submit a short author bio and high quality image headshot, which we will publish on our site.
  • We do not accept sponsored posts.
  • We reserve the right to deny publication of any article, for any reason.


  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

lightbulbs in peoples hands