AI in ERP: Enhancing Competitor & Market Trend Analysis - Striven

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AI in ERP: Enhancing Competitor & Market Trend Analysis

Will Zane
May 22, 2024
10 min read

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a formidable ally in competitor analysis, offering tools and techniques that can decode complex market trends and competitor strategies with precision and foresight. 

Here’s how AI is revolutionizing competitor analysis and how businesses can leverage these innovations to stay ahead of the curve.

1. Real-Time Market Trend Analysis

AI-driven tools can sift through vast amounts of data from various sources, including social media, news outlets, financial reports, and more, to identify real-time market trends.

A retail business might use AI to monitor social media trends and online reviews to understand consumer preferences and how competitors are responding to these trends. 

By using natural language processing (NLP), businesses can gauge sentiment analysis, helping them to understand public perception towards their brand in comparison to their competitors.

Let’s consider a real-life scenario that illustrates how AI can be used for real-time market trend analysis, focusing on the retail industry.

Company Background

Imagine a mid-sized apparel company, “FashionForward,” specializing in sustainable clothing. FashionForward operates in a highly competitive market where trends shift rapidly and consumer preferences are increasingly influenced by social media influencers, environmental concerns, and ethical manufacturing processes.


FashionForward noticed a decline in sales of a particular clothing line but couldn’t pinpoint the cause. Was it due to a change in consumer preferences, an emerging trend they were missing, or a successful campaign from a competitor?

AI Implementation for Real-Time Market Trend Analysis

To address this challenge, FashionForward implements an AI-powered market analysis tool designed to monitor and analyze social media platforms, online forums, and product reviews in real-time. This tool utilizes natural language processing (NLP) to understand sentiment and identify trending topics related to the fashion industry, specifically sustainable clothing.

How the AI Tool Worked

  • Data Aggregation: The AI tool begins by aggregating vast amounts of unstructured data from various online sources (Twitter, Instagram, fashion forums,  product review sections on e-commerce platforms, etc.).
  • Sentiment Analysis: Using NLP, the tool analyzes the sentiment of posts, comments, and reviews, distinguishing between positive, negative, and neutral sentiments related to sustainable clothing and identifying key themes.
  • Trend Identification: The AI system employs machine learning algorithms to detect emerging trends within the sustainable fashion niche. It was able to recognize patterns indicating a growing demand for upcycled clothing, a subset of sustainable fashion where old garments are repurposed into new items.
  • Competitor Monitoring: Concurrently, the tool monitors competitors’ online activities, identifying any mentions of upcycling or related campaigns that were resonating well with the audience.

I agree that we need to break up all this information with a good bit of white space and varying formats. I don’t know what the final format will be (I assume PDF), but it can’t just be paragraph after paragraph of technical writing. Will Sharon be taking this text and making it more reader friendly?

Outcome and Strategic Response

The AI tool discovered a significant positive sentiment and growing trend around upcycled clothing, a market segment FashionForward had previously overlooked. At the same time, it identified a successful campaign by a competitor that highlighted their new upcycled clothing line, which was gaining traction on social media.

Armed with these insights, FashionForward quickly pivoted to design and promote its own line of upcycled clothing. The company leveraged social media influencers passionate about sustainability to highlight the environmental benefits of upcycling, aligning with consumer values identified through the AI analysis.


The new line was a hit, leading to an increase in online engagement, higher traffic to their website, and a significant boost in sales. FashionForward’s swift response, guided by real-time AI insights, not only helped them regain their competitive edge but also established them as a key player in the upcycled fashion market.

This example underscores the transformative power of AI in enabling businesses to stay ahead of market trends and align their strategies with real-time consumer preferences and competitive dynamics.

2. Competitor Strategy Decoding

Through AI algorithms, businesses can conduct in-depth competitor analyses. AI tools can track competitors’ website changes, social media activity, and email marketing campaigns, providing insights into their marketing strategies and product launches. 

Expanding upon the concept of using AI for Competitor Strategy Decoding, let’s delve into how businesses can implement AI tools to gain actionable insights into their competitors’ strategies, ultimately allowing them to make informed decisions that can enhance their competitive edge.

Implementation of AI for Competitor Strategy Decoding

1. Establishing AI Monitoring Tools:

Businesses begin by deploying AI-based monitoring tools designed to analyze competitors’ digital footprints comprehensively. These tools are configured to track website updates, social media posts, email newsletters, and even online customer reviews related to the competitors.

2. Real-Time Alerts and Dashboards:

The AI system is set up to provide real-time alerts for specific triggers, such as price changes, new product announcements, or spikes in social media activity. Dashboards are customized to display this information in an easily digestible format, allowing decision-makers to grasp competitive dynamics at a glance.

Actionable Strategies from AI Insights

1. Dynamic Pricing Strategies:

When the AI tool alerts a business that a competitor has reduced prices on key products, the business can quickly analyze its cost structure and market positioning to determine if it can afford to match or beat the competitor’s prices. Alternatively, it can focus on highlighting its unique value proposition, such as superior quality or customer service, to justify a higher price point.

2. Rapid Response to Product Launches:

Upon detecting a competitor’s product launch, the AI system can help businesses analyze the features and marketing tactics used. Such insight allows them to craft counter-marketing campaigns that emphasize their own product’s unique features or launch complementary products that fill gaps in the competitor’s offering.

3. Social Media Strategy Optimization:

By monitoring competitors’ social media activity, businesses can identify which types of content generate the most engagement. This information can guide them in refining their own social media strategy, adopting successful content formats, hashtags, or engagement techniques.

4. Customer Sentiment Analysis:

AI tools can analyze customer reactions to competitors’ marketing campaigns, product launches, or service updates. Understanding customer sentiment can help businesses identify areas where competitors are underperforming and exploit these gaps by tailoring their products, services, or marketing messages to address these pain points.

5. Strategic Email Campaign Analysis:

By monitoring the frequency, content, and engagement of competitors’ email campaigns, businesses can optimize their own email marketing strategy. This might involve adjusting the timing of emails, personalizing content, or offering exclusive promotions to counteract competitors’ campaigns.

Implementation Example: TechGadget Inc.

Consider TechGadget Inc., a company in the consumer electronics sector. Using an AI-powered competitor analysis tool, TechGadget Inc. tracks a key competitor’s launch of a new smartwatch. The AI tool analyzes the product’s features, pricing, and promotional strategies, as well as consumer responses across various platforms.

With this data, TechGadget Inc. identifies a lack of certain features in the competitor’s smartwatch that are highly requested by consumers, such as longer battery life and a more intuitive user interface. TechGadget Inc. quickly develops a marketing campaign for their own smartwatch, highlighting these features and offering a limited-time discount for those switching from a competitor’s brand. They also launch targeted social media ads focusing on the superiority of their product in areas where the competitor’s product is lacking.

3. Automating Competitive Intelligence Gathering

Tracking and analyzing competitors’ strategies and market trends manually is time-consuming and prone to error. AI can automate these processes, continuously monitoring and analyzing data from competitors and the market. This automation allows businesses to receive timely insights and alerts on critical developments, ensuring they’re always informed and ready to act. In addition, AI tools can automatically track patent filings, product launches, and regulatory changes affecting competitors, providing businesses with a comprehensive view of their competitive landscape.

Below, we examine how AI can automate competitive intelligence gathering, along with actionable strategies businesses can employ based on these insights.

Implementing AI for Automated Competitive Intelligence

1. Setting Up AI-Powered Monitoring Systems:

Businesses first need to integrate AI-powered ERP systems that are capable of scanning a wide array of data sources for competitive intelligence. These sources include patent databases, regulatory filings, competitor websites, social media channels, and industry news outlets. The AI system should be tailored to recognize and prioritize information that is most relevant to the business’s strategic interests.

2. Customizing Alerts for Strategic Triggers:

ERP systems can be configured to send alerts for specific events such as new patent filings by competitors, announcements of product launches, changes in pricing strategies, or updates in regulatory standards that could impact market dynamics. (Most ERP software solutions have dedicated support, training, and onboarding included in their services.) These alerts enable businesses to stay on top of developments that could affect their competitive position.

Actionable Strategies from Automated Competitive Intelligence

1. Innovation and Product Development:

By tracking competitors’ patent filings and product announcements, businesses can identify trends in innovation and technological advancements in their sector. This information can guide R&D efforts, inspiring new product developments or improvements to existing products that address unmet market needs or capitalize on emerging technologies.

2. Regulatory Compliance and Market Entry:

AI monitoring of regulatory changes can provide early warnings about shifts in legal requirements that could affect product design, marketing, or distribution, thus allowing businesses to adapt quickly.

3. Strategic Patenting and Intellectual Property (IP) Management:

Automated tracking of patent filings not only reveals where competitors are focusing their innovation efforts but also helps businesses identify potential IP conflicts or opportunities for strategic patenting. This can lead to the development of a robust IP portfolio that protects innovative products and technologies, perhaps creating barriers to entry for competitors.

4. Competitive Pricing Strategies:

AI tools that monitor competitors’ pricing changes in real-time can inform dynamic pricing strategies. Businesses can adjust their pricing models based on competitive pricing data, optimizing for profitability while remaining competitive in the market. This could include launching price-matching initiatives or targeted promotions to capture market share.

5. Tailoring Marketing and Sales Strategies:

Gleaned from automated AI analysis, insights into competitors’ marketing campaigns and sales tactics  can lead to more effective marketing and sales strategies. Identifying the channels and messaging that resonate deeply with the target audience allows businesses to refine their own marketing messages, optimize channel selection, and improve customer engagement.


Automating competitive intelligence gathering with AI transforms a traditionally reactive process into a proactive strategy. Continuous monitoring of the competitive landscape allows businesses to anticipate changes, adapt strategies quickly, and maintain a competitive advantage. This approach not only saves time and resources but also ensures that strategic decisions are driven by comprehensive, up-to-date intelligence on competitors and market trends.

Will Zane Headshot

Will Zane

Will Zane is the Director of Customer Success at Striven. He's responsible for providing the training, support, and resources that businesses need to succeed. In his spare time, Will enjoys the outdoors and being a diehard Trekkie.