Accounting Setup and Reporting | User Docs | Striven

Initial Setup

Accounting Setup

Support Guide

  • Overview


    Accounting software in Striven can help your Company track taxes, reconcile accounts, report on finances, and much more. Before diving into accounting, it is recommended to first start off by setting up your accounting to suit your Company’s needs. This guide will help configure taxes, Chart of Accounts, and more to set you up for success utilizing Striven accounting software.

    Read this guide if you are trying to:
    ✔ Build your Chart of Accounts to include all your General Ledger Accounts.
    ✔ Configure taxes and agencies to charge and pay taxes.
    ✔ Design your Accounting Dashboard to meet your needs.

  • Accounting Setup


    The Accounting Settings are an integral part of configuring your system and a good place to start when setting up your accounting within Striven. Here you can note during what month your fiscal year starts, choose your default accounts, whether you track Classes, and much more. Options chosen here will drive how a lot of your accounting in Striven functions including how you create Orders, transactions, Items, and much more. Below is a screenshot illustrating how the Accounting Settings page appears and descriptions of what can be accomplished here. To view the Accounting Settings use the following steps below:

    Company → Settings → Accounting → Settings

    1. Fiscal Year Starts: After clicking the Edit icon you can choose which month your fiscal year starts. By default January is selected, but if this is different for your Company you can change it here to fit your needs.
    2. GL Account Numbers: If you want account numbers to show throughout Striven such as on the Chart of Accounts or when adding expenses, you can enable that functionality with this checkbox.
    3. Default AR Account: Lists the default Accounts Receivable Account. You can select a different Accounts Receivable Account from your Chart of Accounts here if desired.
    4. Default AP Account: Lists the default Accounts Payable Account. You can select a different Accounts Payable Account from your Chart of Accounts here if desired.
    5. Opening Balance Equity: Lists the default Opening Balance Equity Account. You can select a different Opening Balance Equity Account from your Chart of Accounts here if desired.
    6. Additional Options:  If you categorize your transactions using Classes, you can configure them within this page. The following configuration options are available when turning on Class tracking in Striven:
      • Turn On Class Tracking: Enables you to track Classes in Striven. On transactions, a field will be available above the Items sections to select a default Class.
      • Track at the Line Item level: Allows you to enter Classes for individual Line Items on transactions in Striven. This allows you to categorize per Line Item rather than the entire transaction.
      • Require Class Tracking: Makes associating a Class on transactions and Orders required before creating or saving the transaction.
    7. To Be Deposited: Sets your default To Be Deposited Account. By default, the Undeposited Funds account is associated, but you can change the account here or choose to send payments directly to a bank account instead of Undeposited Funds.
    8. Closing Date: You can set a closing date by using the calendar icon to make sure no transactions can be edited prior to the closing date set. Users who have the permission Transactions Prior to Closing Date – Edit will still have the ability to edit transactions prior to the closing date.
    9. Audit Log: Logs the changes made to the Accounting Settings.
  • Payment Terms


    Payment Terms are time conditions under which two parties agree to fulfill a sale by a certain date or period. Payment Terms are available for both Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable transactions and will allow your Company to track late payments in collections. You can add new Payment Terms from the Payment Terms List in the settings. Below is a screenshot demonstrating how adding Payment Terms appears. Payment Terms can be found in the following locations:

    • Company → Settings → Accounting → Sales → Sales Orders → Payment Terms
    • Company → Settings → Accounting → Sales → Invoices → Payment Terms
    • Company → Settings → Accounting → Purchasing → Bills → Payment Terms
    • Company → Settings → Accounting → Purchasing → POs → Payment Terms
    1. Term Name: The name of the Payment Term being viewed or created. This will appear in drop-down menus on Orders and transactions when selecting Payment Terms.
    2. Term Days: The number of days the term lasts. For instance, Net 10 means the recipient has 10 days to pay the transaction.
    3. Is Default: Designates this Payment Terms as the default when creating new Orders or transactions.
    4. Has Discount: If the Has Discount option has been selected then a few other options will appear, which are discussed further below
      • Percentage: The percent discount the recipient receives for paying within the set days (discussed next).
      • Days: Displays the number of days the Customer has to pay in order to receive the discount.
      • Account: The GL Account which will post to when the discount is activated.
      • Class: The Class in which the set account will be posted to when the discount takes effect.
  • Class Tracking


    Classes are used to separate the finances of your Company. This can be used in a variety of ways from separating finances by Company Locations, Divisions, etc. Each Class will have its own Balance Sheet, profit and loss inside Striven’s Balance Sheet by Class, and P&L by Class reports. Using the Accounting Settings, you can choose to enable Class tracking for your Company. Below is a screenshot of how the Class window appears and descriptions of what can be accomplished there. To view Classes use the following steps below:

    Company → Settings → Accounting → Classes

    1. Class Name: The name of the new Class you are creating. This will appear in drop-down menus within transactions when Class tracking is turned on in your Striven system.
    2. Parent Class: Setting a parent Class allows you to create a hierarchy for your Class tracking. It is important to note the parent Class must have already been created to appear available in the parent Class drop-down menu.
    3. Access: Designates access to the Class. If no one is selected, everyone can access the Class.
    4. Actions: There are actions that can be taken before leaving the Class page:
      • Save & Close: Saves your Class in Striven and navigates you back to the Class List.
      • Close: Closes the window without saving the Class you are viewing. Once closed, you will be navigated back to the Class List.
      • Deactivate: Deactivates the Class so it is no longer available to use within your Striven system. Once deactivated, you have the option to activate again if needed.
  • Chart of Accounts


    How to Create a Chart of Accounts in Striven

    The Chart of Accounts lists all of your General Ledger Accounts (GL Accounts) in one spot. Each listed account has a hyperlinked name which when clicked, populates the Account Activity Report (discussed further below in the Account Activity Report section). Accounts are grouped by type and can be added or imported from here as well. Below is a screenshot displaying how the GL Account List appears and descriptions of what can be accomplished there. To view the Chart of Accounts, use the following steps below:

    Accounting → Chart of Accounts

    1. Account Type: Search filter that displays accounts of the selected Account Type.
    2. Account Name: Search filter that allows you to view a specific account by name.
    3. Currency: Search filter that displays accounts based on the currency selected.
    4. Include Inactive Accounts: Option to display Inactive accounts as well as Active.
    5. Person Responsible: Search Filter that allows you to view accounts by the assigned Person Responsible.
    6. Adding Accounts: Allows you to create accounts manually or by import.
    7. Account: Lists the General Ledger Accounts that are within your Striven system. By clicking on the hyperlinked name, you will be taken to an activity report, which lists all transactions affecting the selected General Ledger Account.
    8. Classify Cash: Allows you to change the Cash Flow Classification for the accounts listed on the Chart of Accounts. For more information on Cash Flow Reports, visit our Financial Reporting Support Guide.
    9. Account Type: Indicates the type of account. The Chart of Accounts is sorted and grouped based on the type of account for convenience.
    10. Currency: Indicates the currency set for the account.
    11. Current Balance: This column will list the current balance recorded for the account. To gain more details as to what is making up this amount, click on the hyperlinked name of the account in the first column to view an activity report.
    12. Available Icons: There are two icons that are displayed on the Chart of Accounts that are described below for further detail:
      • Reconcilable: The Reconcilable Scale icon indicates that you have set this account to be reconciled and can be included in completing reconciliations in Striven. To learn more about reconciliations in Striven, review our Banking Guide.
      • Edit: The Edit icon will allow you to edit the existing General Ledger Account information.
  • Adding Chart of Accounts


    How to Add GL Accounts in Striven

    There are multiple accounts that have been added to Striven as defaults for convenience. These accounts can be edited or new accounts can be created to fit your Company’s needs. Once an account has been created, the type cannot be converted to a different type. Choosing a hierarchy, if the account should allow posting or if it is reconcilable, can all be accomplished right when creating a General Ledger Account. Below is a screenshot of adding a General Ledger Account into Striven and descriptions on what can be accomplished there:

    1. Account Name: The name of the General Ledger Account you are adding or viewing. When clicked, the link will populate the GL Activity Report.
    2. Account Type: The type of account you are viewing or editing. Types differ in functionality, for instance, some may be reconcilable, while others are not. Account Types include the following: Bank,  Accounts Receivable, Other Asset, Fixed Asset, Accounts Payable, Loan, Credit Card, Other Liability, Equity, Income, Other Income, Cost of Goods Sold, Expense, and Other Expense.
    3. Account Number: To indicate the account number, enter it into this field. This will allow you to reference this number throughout the system. To ensure numbers for accounts show, review the Accounting Setup section above.
    4. Parent Account: Choosing an account here will note a parent-child account relationship. This allows you to create a hierarchy for your accounting functionality.
    5. Person Responsible: Allows you to associate an Employee that is responsible for maintaining the account.
    6. Currency: Designates the currency set for this account.
    7. Account Options: There are additional options available regarding whether you wish to allow posting to your account or if you wish for the account to be reconcilable.
      • Do not allow posting: If this account should not be posted to, you can check the box to not allow posting.
      • Is Reconcilable: If you would like the option to reconcile this account, you can check the box to reconcile in the future. Each reconcilable account will be noted as such on the Chart of Accounts by the use of the Reconcilable Scale icon.
  • Importing Chart of Accounts


    How to Import Your Chart of Accounts in Striven

    Your Chart of Accounts can be brought into Striven en masse by utilizing Striven’s Chart of Accounts Import tool. This can be done for large and small databases to bring in multiple General Ledger Accounts at once.

    Below is a screenshot demonstrating how the Chart of Accounts Import page appears. To view the Chart of Accounts Import page, follow the steps below:

    Accounting → Recurring Transactions → Chart of Accounts → Import Button → Chart of Accounts Import

    There are multiple tools on the Chart of Accounts Import Page that will help when importing data into Striven. In the Quick Start section of the page, you’ll see the following options:

    • Generate Sample File: Initiates a popup with the Import Mapping options. This determines what information will be included on the import spreadsheet. When mapping selections are checked, clicking Download Sample provides a spreadsheet with pre-filled column headers (based on the mapping) to assist with entering data.  For more information on Importing, please reference our Import Management Guide.
    • Get Existing Data: Provides the options to Create New Report or Choose Existing Report to pull GL Account information already in your system to update the data via import.
    • Import History: Redirects you to the Import Progress Page which displays links to previous imports that have been uploaded to the system.

    In the Ready to Import section of the page, you’ll see the following options:

    • File Select: field to choose your import file for upload. There are 2 file types allowed for imports: .TXT and .CSV, with a limit of 50 MB for file size.
    • Update Matching Data: Checkbox that determines whether your upload will update existing account information in your Striven system with an import rather than create new accounts.
      • Note: the GL Account ID would be required to update existing information to avoid creating duplicate GL Accounts.
  • Flag Equity Account as Retained Earnings


    The Retained Earnings account displayed on the Balance Sheet, Balance Sheet by Class, and Trial Balance reports is automatically calculated based on the following:

    • On the Balance Sheet & Balance Sheet by Class Reports: Net Income from the start of time to the end of the previous fiscal year.
    • On the Trial Balance Report: Net Income from the start of time to the End Date specified by the report filter, or today’s date if the End Date is left blank.

    With that in mind, Striven provides the option to flag an Equity-type account as a Retained Earnings account, which will then be calculated into the actual Retained Earnings account amount on those reports.

    Using this account-flagging option, when you flag an Equity-type account for Retained Earnings, any postings (such as Journal Entries) will now be automatically calculated into this amount on the reports on the backend.

    In order to use this feature, you will first need to create a new GL Account, set it as an Equity-type account, and check the box so the Retained Earnings Account option is selected.

    With this new account established, you can create a Journal Entry and select the flagged Retained Earnings account to adjust the amount as needed, making sure to select an offsetting account with which to offset the posting as well.

    It is important to note that the flagged Equity-type account you create in your Chart of Accounts will not display on the Balance Sheet, Balance Sheet by Class, or Trial Balance reports but will be automatically calculated as part of the Retained Earnings on the reports behind the scenes.

  • Account Activity Report


    As discussed above, clicking on the name of the GL Account from the Chart of Accounts will generate the Account Activity Report. The Account Activity Report lists all of the transactions that have been entered in Striven for individual GL Accounts. These reports also show a running log of the account’s financial information from the start of your Striven system up to the present day. Below is a screenshot displaying how the Account Activity Report appears and details of what can be accomplished there:

    1. Type: Lists what type each transaction is.
      • Note: Transaction Types include: Deposit, Bill, Invoice, Manual Check, Credit Memo, and many more.
    2. Transaction #: The number of each transaction and is a hyperlink to enable you to view each transaction’s details by clicking on the hyperlink.
    3. Date: The date set on each transaction.
    4. Customer/Vendor: The Customer or Vendor that the transaction is associated with.
    5. Memo: Lists the memo entered on individual transactions. For Journal Entries listed within this report, the line memo will display instead of the transaction header memo.
    6. Offsetting Account: The offsetting GL Account for each transaction. This can be seen in more detail using the Posting Journal on transactions.
    7. Amount: The amount of each transaction. The column header totals the amount for all transactions shown on the report page.
    8. Balance: The balance of the account from the start of your Striven system to the present day.
  • Tax Setup


    How to Set Up Tax in Striven

    Taxes are usually collected at the point of sale for goods and services which are then paid to governing bodies over prescribed periods of time. If your Company charges and pays taxes, it is important to view the Tax Setup page. These settings allow you to choose how you record taxes; whether you record them upon receipt (Cash), or when the sales occur (Accrual). You can also choose a Default Taxes Paid account, which is the GL Account from which taxes are owed and paid to governing bodies. Below is a screenshot illustrating how Tax Setup appears and descriptions of what can be accomplished there. To view Tax Setup use the following steps:

    Company → Settings → Accounting → Tax → Set up

    1. Tax Owed: Allows you to note when tax is owed. You can choose to owe tax on an Accrual or Cash basis. Accrual basis allows you to owe the tax as of the Invoice Date. Cash basis is owed upon receipt of Payment.
    2. Tax GL Account: The account with which all taxes flow through your system. A Taxes Paid liability account has been created in your Striven system as a default for convenience.
  • Tax Agencies


    Once you have set up how your taxes are recorded and assigned a default taxes paid account, you are ready to create Agencies. Tax Agencies capture the tax rate that is charged and which governing body charges that tax rate.

    By creating Tax Agencies, your Company can charge taxes for either State, City, or other rates as needed on transactions. Striven has a unique feature when charging taxes in which Agencies will automatically be chosen on transactions based on the Customer Location. Below is a screenshot demonstrating how Tax Agencies appear and descriptions of what can be accomplished there. To set up Tax Agencies use the following steps below:

    Company → Settings → Accounting → Tax → Agencies

    1. Tax Type: Striven allows you to set up Tax Agencies for not only the state, but for city and/or other taxes as well. The available types of tax that can be configured in Striven are the following:
      • State: Any state agencies that you pay taxes to on a regular basis can be set up with the State option. With this choice, a drop-down menu is available to select the appropriate state.
      • City: If your Company pays a city tax as well as a state tax, this option can be selected. This allows you to specify the tax rate at the city level to combine with the state tax.
      • Other: If your Company pays any other type of tax that needs to be noted within your system, the Other Tax option can be used.
    2. State: Allows you to choose a state abbreviation from a list to associate the correct state for the tax. Once chosen, the Tax Name field will populate with the state for convenience.
    3. Tax Name: Once a state and/or a city has been chosen and entered, the name field will populate with State: City to allow for the quick creation of Tax Agencies. This name can be changed by typing over the pre-populated name if desired.
    4. Is Tax Group: If you have both state and city taxes that your Company deals with, then a tax group may be ideal. This will allow you to create your State Tax Agencies and City Tax Agencies and then group them together accordingly.
    5. Tax Agency: The Vendor who you owe the taxes to and who you pay at the end of a period. If your Tax Agency has not been created as a Vendor in your Striven system yet, the quick add option can be used from this page.
    6. Tax %: Allows you to enter the tax rate as the percentage owed to the Agency.
    7. Tax Options: Additional configurations are available to determine shipping information and defaults in regards to your Tax Agencies:
      • Is Shipping Taxable: To enable taxation on your shipping, check this box. This will make sure that shipping is marked as taxable when creating transactions.
      • Is Default: A default Tax Agency will be automatically selected on transactions and Orders unless the Customer information overrides the default.
  • Import Tax Codes


    A Tax Code import is useful for maintaining accuracy, efficiency, compliance, and consistency in financial and tax-related processes. It helps manage your tax obligations and financial data more effectively while reducing the potential for errors.

    With this in mind, Striven has implemented a Tax Code Import feature. Users can upload Tax Codes into their Striven system using the Tax Code Import Tool found on the Tax Agencies List page.

    Clicking on the Generate Sample File button on the Import page will allow you to select the columns you will need to import the Tax Codes properly. This will help when mapping the data in your import file to the corresponding fields in Striven.

  • Flag Tax Agencies as Unselectable


    Striven has a feature that will prevent users from selecting certain Tax Agencies when creating a new Sales Order or any A/R transaction, such as an Invoice, Credit Memo, or Sales Receipt. This feature is designed to flag a component Tax Agency as unselectable, as they are meant to be used internally within a Tax Group.

    On the Tax Info page, there is an option for Do not allow to be selected individually with a checkbox to toggle the setting on/off. Next to the option is an Info icon explaining how the feature works.

    Toggling this option on will only be effective going forward, and all existing transactions that use Tax Agencies that are flagged to not be used individually would not change and will continue to display with that configuration.

    The following areas of the system will be affected by turning on this feature:

    • Account Location Info Page:
      • If a Tax Agency is already designated and is then flagged to not be selected, it will continue to use that Agency setting.
      • If you create a new Location, a Tax Agency flagged to not allow selection would not even appear in the drop-down list as an option for selection.
    • Sales Order Info Page (or any A/R transaction info page):
      • For an existing transaction or Sales Order, if the Tax Code used is one of those flagged to not be selected, it will still be attached to the transaction and will calculate the taxes according to that setting.
      • When copying existing transactions or createing a new Salse Order by selecting a Customer, if the Customer has the Ship To Location defaulted to a Location that has a flagged to not be selected Tax Code, that Tax Code will not be selected on the transaction. Instead, the default Tax Code will be selected.

    Note: This feature is not applicable to Invoices or Credit Memos that are automatically generated by the nightly job or those that are configured to periodically recur.

  • Sales Tax Locking


    This feature was built to lock Tax Agencies to prevent changes or additions being made to transactions prior to the lock date specified.

    By navigating to Company → Settings → Accounting → Tax → Agencies, you can select the Tax Agency in your system you wish to lock. The locking option is located on the Sales Tax Info page for the Tax Agencies, noted by the Tax Paid Through Date. The Tax Paid Through Date must be a past date; it cannot be today’s date or any future date. Setting this date will determine the lock date so users can no longer make changes that affect the Sales Tax for that agency.

    The exception would be for users that have the “Transactions Prior Closing Date – Edit” permission included in their User Role. Users with this permission will be given the choice to allow the changes to be made, whereas a user without the permission will be unable to save any changes or additional transactions that are prior to the Tax Paid Through Date.

    Creating a New Invoice, Credit Memo, or Sales Receipt

    If the user has the “Transactions Prior Closing Date – Edit” permission in their User Role and the transaction date is prior to the Tax Agency’s Tax Paid Through Date, Striven will display a popup confirmation message stating that the payment for the Tax Agency used has been paid through a certain date and asks if you wish to proceed.

    If the user does not have the permission in their User Role and the transaction date is prior to the Tax Agency Tax Paid Through Date, Striven will present a popup error message notifying the user that the transaction date cannot be on or before the date of the Tax Agency’s Tax Paid Through Date. It will also not allow the user to create the transaction.

    The same applies to editing existing transactions. If the user has the permission, they will get the same popup notification. If the user does not have the permission, the transaction will be un-editable for them.

    Pay Tax Page

    After the tax is paid, you will have the ability to set the Tax Paid Through Date directly from there by selecting the Tax Agencies you would like to update and save. This will save time and help avoid having to go to each Tax Info page individually and update the Tax Paid Through Date for the agencies that had Tax Payment checks created.

    • Note: Specifying the Tax Paid Through Date for Tax Groups is not possible, so Striven will always take the latest Tax Paid Through Date specified for the component Tax Agencies.
  • Tax Liability


    Once you have your taxes set up and have begun creating Orders and transactions, you may want to have a view into your Tax Liability. With the Tax Liability Report, you will be able to see per Agency, how much of your transactions resulted in taxable and non-taxable sales on an Accrual or Cash basis.

    Below is a screenshot of how the Tax Liability Report appears and descriptions of what can be accomplished there:

    1. Search: The Search icon allows you to filter the report with the following filters:
      • Date Period: By default, this filter is set for Last Month.
      • Date Range
      • Tax Agency
      • Tax Code
      • Class
      • Report Basis: Allows you to choose a reporting basis of Accrual or Cash for this report. The default reporting basis of Accrual or Cash is based on the Tax Settings configured for your Company
    2. Filters: Displays which filters are applied to the displayed report. These filters can be configured by clicking on the Search icon, or by selecting the Filter icon. This section also displays the number of results matching your filters that are displayed on the report.
    3. Collapse All: Using the Collapse All option allows you to collapse every group displayed on the report. Once collapsed, the option will change to an Expand All button, which can be selected to expand the groups once more.
    4. Export Options: Selecting the Export option will open a drop-down list allowing you to choose your preferred file type. The export options for the Tax Liability Report are currently Excel and PDF.
    5. Report Details: The Tax Liability Report will have each Agency separated out into a group, which by default displays expanded to list the Tax Codes and their values.
      For each Agency, the report will display the gross amount, non-taxable, taxable, and total tax. By clicking on an amount within the report for one of these columns, you will be brought to a detail report to see what transactions make up the sum total. These detail reports can be exported to Excel and PDF.

      If Tax Adjustments have been recorded, the adjustments will be displayed separately within the report, and will only display a value within the Tax column.
      It is important to note that if a Tax percentage for a Tax Group changes over time, the value for each percentage will be displayed separately on the report.

  • Accounting Dashboard


    The Accounting Dashboard is a great way to view information regarding your Items, Accounts Payable, and Accounts Receivable transactions all in one place. Widgets can be added, removed, and restructured using the Manage Widgets popup on the right-hand side of the dashboard page. Below are some of the available widgets on the Accounting Dashboard page.

    • Note: Any widgets available on the Accounting Dashboard page will also be available on the My Dashboard page. Also, all widgets can be renamed.

    Accounting: Use this widget for quick links to add a check, credit card charge, deposit, Journal Entry, funds transfer or to reconcile an account.

    Add Items: Use this widget for quick links to the Items page, Sales Orders, Purchase Orders page, or to import Items.

    AP Aging: Use this widget for a line graph showing the amount of money you need to pay to Vendors and whether it is current or past due. You can specify a Vendor or leave the filter blank for totals for all Vendors.

    AR Aging: Use this widget for a line graph showing money owed to you by your Customers and whether it is current or past due. You can specify a Customer or leave the filter blank for totals for all Customers.

    Bills: Use this widget for a filtered or unfiltered view of Bills owed to Vendors. There are sections for Open Balance, Past Due Balance, Current Balance, Open Credits, and Open Payments. The sections are able to be selected to dive a bit deeper into the transactions that make up the totals for each section.

    Invoices: Use this widget for a filtered or unfiltered view of Invoices owed to you by your Customers. There are sections for Open Balance, Past Due Balance, Current Balance, Open Credits, and Open Payments. The sections are able to be selected to dive a bit deeper into the transactions that make up the totals for each section.

    Items: Use this widget to view Items that are below their reorder point or currently at or below zero as their quantity.

    Payments: Use this widget to show a line graph of payments made by your Customers within a certain time frame. Your total undeposited funds also show below the line graph and is able to be selected to drill down into the payments that make up the total shown.

    Profit & Loss: Use this widget for a view of your profit and loss showing for your different GL Accounts. You can filter this widget by Customer, Class, and time frame. Clicking on the bars on the chart displays the P&L Report in another browser tab.

    Profit & Loss Trending: Use this widget to demonstrate how Income, COGS, Expenses, Gross Profit, and Net Income are trending from one month to another within a given period of time. Clicking on a point on the chart will direct you to the P&L Report, pre-filtered for the month associated with the point on the chart.

    Queues: Use this widget to show how many Invoices need to be printed and how many Bills require review. You can select the sections to view either the Print Invoices Page or the Review Bills Page.

    Sales Orders: Use this widget to view total Orders approved, total incomplete Orders along with total Sales Orders pending approval within a certain time frame. Select each section of a drill-down of Orders matching the criteria.

    Transactions: Custom Report: Use this widget to show results from custom reports created using the Report Builder and using the transactions dataset.

    Note: Many Dashboard Widgets store data and will not update for up to 60 minutes without a manual refresh. Clicking on the Widget Refresh button on the top of the widgets will ensure the data displayed on the widget is the most current available.

  • Recap


    With this Accounting Setup & Reporting Guide, we’ve discovered how to create and manage GL Accounts, Tax Agencies, and more to enable you to set up your Accounting in Striven. We’ve also discovered ways to create Classes and to design your Accounting Dashboard to ensure the best user experience when accounting in Striven.


  • Now that I have my Chart of Accounts, how do I create Items in Striven?


    Items can be created in Striven using the Items List underneath the Accounting tab. Here you can create Inventory Items, Service Items, and more. To learn more about Items please reference our Item Management Guide.

  • I use Striven for other things and would like to start using accounting. Where do I start in bringing over my accounting data?


    That’s excellent news! We’re confident you will love Striven’s accounting software because it’s accurate and easy to use. When migrating accounting from one system to Striven there is really no wrong place to start. We recommend bringing over your Items, Accounts, taxes, and financial data. To learn more about migrating accounting, please reference our Accounting Migration Guide.

Heads up!

Striven uses relabeling. Based on industry, your system may use different terminology. Please see our Company Setup guide for more information or reach out to Striven support if you need help.